Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
The purpose of this record is to outline all
the determinations by Officers under powers delegated by the
Council of matters under the relevant licensing statutes for the
period 02/09/2024 and 06/09/2024
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer
Decision published: 09/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
The approval, refusal, suspension or
revocation of the matter concerned is set out in the attached
Lead officer: Emma King
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To refuse planning permission 24/01024/FULHH
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
To refuse planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To refuse planning permission 24/00920/FUL
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
To refuse planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Licence renewal application to home board dogs
received from D Cornabe, End Cottage, High Street, Thorpe-le-Soken,
CO16 0EA
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Housing & Environment)
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024
Granted licence to home board dogs.
Lead officer: Ashley Wood
Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 14/09/2024
(a) To formally remove Councillor Mike Bush as the appointee of the Council on the Waste Management Partnership Board and Essex Councils Climate Forum.
(b) To formally appoint Councillor Adrian Smith, in his capacity of Portfolio Holder for Environment, to the Waste Management Partnership Board and Essex Councils Climate Forum.
Lead officer: Maddie Adger
Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
(a) To formally remove Councillor Mike Bush from the position of Tendring District Council’s Executive’s representative on the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Joint Committee.
(b) To formally appoint Councillor Andy Baker to serve as the representative of Tendring District Council’s Executive on the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Joint Committee.
Lead officer: Assistant Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer
Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
(a) To appoint Councillor Adrian Smith to Tendring District Council’s Cabinet (the Council’s Executive); and
(b) To designate Councillor Adrian Smith as the Portfolio Holder for the Environment.
Lead officer: Keith Simmons
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve advertisement consent 24/01076/ADV
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
To approve advertisement consent
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve non material amendment 24/01117/NMA
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
To approve non material amendment
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To refuse non material amendment 24/01212/NMA
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
To refuse non material amendment
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve non material amendment 24/01155/NMA
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
To approve non material amendment
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve planning permission 24/00866/FULHH
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
To approve planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve planning permission 24/00968/FULHH
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
To approve planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Licence renewal application to hire out horses
received from J Holland, Brook Farm Riding Stables, Colchester Main
Road, Alresford, Colchester, Essex CO7 8AP
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Housing & Environment)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 01/09/2024
Lead officer: Ashley Wood
As part of the Local Plan review, the Council
will need to undertake a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) for the
Tendring District. The Sustainability Appraisal will form part of
the Council’s evidence base for the Local Plan review.
This decision to commission evidence for the Local Plan Review was
taken and published on 12/01/2024
Place Services will be directly appointed under the Local Authority
(Goods and Services) Act 1970.
Authority for Delegated Decision:
Part 3, Schedule 3 – Responsibility for Executive Functions
delegated to Officers paragraph 4.3 (1) – the Corporate
Director has delegated authority to discharge executive functions
within their respective service areas (Part 3.38). All delegations
are subject to consultation where considered appropriate in the
circumstances (paragraph 4.3 (4(ii) – Part 3.39).
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 21/08/2024
To appoint Place Services to undertake the
work of preparing a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) in accordance
with the specification document.
Lead officer: Will Fuller
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
Powers relating to entering into an agreement regulating
development or use of land under Ss.106 Agreement of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990.
Legal Agreement in relation to Planning Permission for
24/00572/FUL. Ss.106 Agreement in relation to this application can
be found in the documents section of Public Access under reference
24/00572/FUL and 24/01229/S106.
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
Completion of Legal Agreement in relation to
Planning Permission for 24/00572/FUL.
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Work on the conversion of Spendells House is
nearing completion and IT systems and other building service
systems such as door entry and alarms that use internet connection
have been installed. The next step is to complete the connection of
these systems to the internet and to fully commission and test
Spendells House will house some of our most vulnerable residents.
Reliability, network connectivity and business continuity of
service are key award factors. Similarly, cyber security is a key
factor in awarding the contract
It is proposed to enter into a new IT Managed Network Services
contract for Spendells House with Intergence Systems Limited.
The 3 year GCloud13 Lot 1 framework (RM1557.13) is an addendum to
the existing corporate Network Managed contract on 25 February
The contract value of £23,220 (£7,740per annum)
comprises a 36 managed service cost for previously purchased
network hardware – aligned with TDC’s master network
infrastructure plus licensing costs for a range of third party
network monitoring systems/ tools plus the service support costs
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 04/09/2024
To to enter into a three year additional
agreement with Intergence in order to secure the running of the IT
network at Spendells House and the commissioning of the systems
Lead officer: Andy White
The existing Tenant had served Notice on the
Council that they had no intention of renewing their lease over the
Old Lifeboat House, East Terrace, Walton-on-the-Naze. Therefore a
request had been received to lease the property to a new
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
To enter into a new lease of The Old Lifeboat
House, East Terrace Walton-on-the-Naze on terms agreed within the
Portfolio Holders Report of 15 September 2022 with a new
Lead officer: Damian Williams
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
Powers relating to entering into an agreement regulating
development or use of land under Ss.106 Agreement of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990.
Legal Agreement in relation to Planning Permission for
24/00815/FUL. Ss.106 Agreement in relation to this application can
be found in the documents section of Public Access under reference
24/00815/FUL and 24/01287/S106.
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 03/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
Completion of Legal Agreement in relation to
Planning Permission for 24/00815/FUL.
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
Powers relating to entering into an agreement regulating
development or use of land under Ss.106 Agreement of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990.
Legal Agreement in relation to Planning Permission for
22/02076/FUL. Ss.106 Agreement in relation to this application can
be found in the documents section of Public Access under reference
22/02076/FUL and 24/00837/S106.
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 03/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Completion of Legal Agreement in relation to
Planning Permission for 22/02076/FUL.
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Decision Maker: Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder
Decision published: 03/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
(a) To agree to the award of a grant of up to
£10,000 from the Community Housing Fund to Great Oakley
Community Hub Ltd (the Society), towards the cost of architectural,
structural engineer and similar professional services related to
the preparatory work associated with the proposed redevelopment of
the Red House in Great Oakley as community led housing; and
(b) To authorise the Assistant Director for Housing and Environment
to allocate funding to the Society for additional financial support
to enable them to complete the associated preparatory work to bring
forward the scheme for planning permission to redevelop and bring
back into use a long term empty property.
Wards affected: The Oakleys & Wix;
Lead officer: Tim Clarke
To partially discount the annual rent for the
first year only for Kiosk 5, in respect of the repairs and work
required to put the property in a safe and serviceable condition.
The discounted amounts have been noted in a Schedule of
Dilapidations, which has been issued to the former tenant and will
be for them to reimburse. The full market rent will become payable
after the current tenant has occupied the property for a full
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Building & Public Realm)
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
To partially discount the annual rent for the
first year only in respect of Kiosk 5, Lower Promenade, Marine
Parade East, Clacton-on-Sea.
Lead officer: Izaac Marshall
The purpose of this record is to outline all
the determinations by Officers under powers delegated by the
Council of matters under the relevant licensing statutes for the
period 27/08/2024 to 30/08/2024
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
The approval, refusal, suspension or
revocation of the matter concerned is set out in the attached
Lead officer: Michael Cook
To adopt a People Strategy for the period 2024
to 2029 to set the focus and priorities for the development and
well being of organisation's workforce
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Partnerships)
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
To adopt the proposed People Strategy for 2024
to 2029.
Lead officer: Carol Magnus
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To refuse non material amendment 24/01182/NMA
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
To refuse non material amendment application
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve planning permission 24/00894/FUL
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
To approve planning permission for application
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve planning permission 24/01006/FULHH
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
To approve planning permission for application
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To determine prior approval 24/01106/HHPNOT
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
To determine prior approval application
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
There had been service failure in the
landlord's handling of the complaint, for the time, trouble
distress and inconvenience caused by the landlords ineffective
complaint handling.
The recommendation from the Housing Ombudsman that a payment in the
sum referenced be made to the tenant. The recommendations have been
Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
To accept the recommendation of the Housing
Ombudsman in respect of a complaint investigated and determined by
it - including to authorise a payment in the sum of £300 to
the tenant concerned (reference 202302247).
Lead officer: Ian Davidson
There had been service failure in the
landlord's handling of repair issues relating to the complainant's
tenanted property. In recognition of this service failure and for
the associated distress caused to the tenant, the recommendation
from the Housing Ombudsman that a payment in the sum referenced be
made to the tenant. The recommendations have been
Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
To accept the recommendation of the Housing
Ombudsman in respect of a complaint investigated and determined by
it - including to authorise a payment in the sum of £500 to
the tenant concerned (reference 202116817).
Lead officer: Ian Davidson
Following submission of an external funding
application to Government’s Swimming Pool Support Fund via
Sport England and receipt of a subsequent offer letter, this note
sets out details of the scheme, to establish whether you are happy
to agree with my decision to enter into two separate agreements for
the grant funding and secure the investment.
As set out in the report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
(ii)agrees that the approval of the necessary governance
arrangements be delegated to the Corporate Director (Place and
Economy), in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the
Council’s Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer, and
that such arrangements aim to protect the Council as far as
reasonably possible within the context of the responsibilities the
Council may have in administering the grant funding along with any
transfers of money to the independently operated Brightlingsea
As Sport England have agreed to fund the Brightlingsea Lido
projects in addition to those for the Council’s facilities,
the following two agreements are required:
(i)Capital Grant Agreement between Tendring District Council and
Sport England.
This is to form an agreement between Sport England and Tendring
District Council as the responsible authority for the grant
funding. It should be noted that once the respective works are
complete, the funding will be paid in arrears to the Council. Once
Brightlingsea Lido have completed their requirements, the funding
allocated to their project can be released.
(ii)Grant Adherence Agreement between Tendring District Council,
Sport England together with Brightlingsea Town Council and
Brightlingsea Lido CIO (the latter two organisations as the lease
holder and operator respectively of Brightlingsea Lido).
Officers have worked with Sport England, together with
Brightlingsea Town Council and Brightlingsea Lido to finalise an
agreement which ensures the responsibilities of each organisation
are clearly set out and formalised. This agreement ensures that
direct responsibility for the projects under the jurisdiction of
Brightlingsea Lido are the accountability of the lease holder
(Brightlingea Town Council and operator (Brightlingsea Lido)
respectively. Under this agree it is the responsibility of the
Council to transfer the grant funding following receipt from Sport
England to the operator, following completion of the works.
It should be noted that this decision will progress the project up
to and including signing the respective agreements listed above and
a separate executive decision will be published in consultation
with the Council’s Section 106 Officer prior to placing an
order for works. This is to account for allocating an additional
budget of £0.150m towards this project, as set out in the
Cabinet at their meeting on 26 July 2024. Through that report,
Cabinet agreed that this additional funding considered sufficient
to deliver both projects should be agreed under a separate decision
through a separate business case.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy & Place)
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
Following detailed consideration by Council
Officers, to enter into the following agreements, in order to
secure external funding under the Government’s
‘Swimming Pool Support Fund and progress the projects at
Walton on the Naze Lifestyles up to and including a tender process
for the upgrade of Building Management System and new Air Handling
Unit for Walton on the Naze Lifestyles:-
(i) Capital Grant Agreement between Tendring District Council and
Sport England; and
(ii) Grant Adherence Agreement between Tendring District Council,
Sport England together with Brightlingsea Town Council and
Brightlingsea Lido CIO (the latter two organisations as the lease
holder and operator respectively of Brightlingsea Lido).
Note: No order for works will be raised until an executive decision
has been published together with a business plan for the respective
projects, to allocate additional funding as required.
Lead officer: Michael Carran
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve planning permission 24/01005/FULHH
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
To approve planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To refuse planning permission 24/00988/FULHH
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
To refuse planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Following completion of elements of work at
the Honeycroft site by sub-contractors, collateral warranties have
been received in order to create a contractual relationship between
the Council and the sub-contractors should any defects or issues
arise during the product/installation warranty period.
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Building & Public Realm)
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
To seal and complete all collateral warranties
in respect of the Honeycroft Development, Lawford.
Lead officer: Jennie Wilkinson
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
To approve planning permission 24/00998/FUL
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 28/08/2024
Effective from: 28/08/2024
To approve planning permission
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
Powers relating to entering into an agreement regulating
development or use of land under Ss.106 Agreement of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990.
Legal Agreement in relation to Planning Permission for
24/00651/VOC. Ss.106 Agreement in relation to this application can
be found in the documents section of Public Access under reference
24/00651/VOC and 24/01213/S106.
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Completion of Legal Agreement in relation to
Planning Permission for 24/00651/VOC.
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
Under the powers delegated to the Director of
Planning, the discharge of the Town and Country Planning
Conservation functions as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local
Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations
2000 (as amended) and as detailed in Appendix 1 to Part 3 of the
Powers relating to entering into an agreement regulating
development or use of land under Ss.106 Agreement of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990.
Legal Agreement in relation to Planning Permission for
21/01831/FUL. Ss.106 Agreement in relation to this application can
be found in the documents section of Public Access under reference
21/01831/FUL and 24/00842/S106.
Decision Maker: Director (Planning)
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Completion of Legal Agreement in relation to
Planning Permission for 21/01831/FUL.
Lead officer: John Pateman-Gee
The purpose of this record is to outline all
the determinations by Officers under powers delegated by the
Council of matters under the relevant licensing statutes for the
period 19/08/2024 to 23/08/2024
Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
The approval, refusal, suspension or
revocation of the matter concerned is set out in the attached
Lead officer: Emma King