Committee structure
The full Council is the decision-making body that consists of all Councillors who are responsible for strategic policy and the making of changes to those policies and the Council’s Constitution. The Council also makes the final decision on the Authority’s Budget and Council Tax.
The Council Tax Committee exercises the Council’s functions relating to the formal acceptance of Council Tax precepts from the major precepting authorities that is the County Council and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
Executive Bodies
The Cabinet and any Executive Committees which carry out all of the Authority’s functions, known as Executive Functions, that are not the responsibility of any other part of the Authority, whether by law or under the Council’s Constitution.
Non-Executive Bodies
Committees that deal with functions delegated by the Council and which are not the responsibility of the Executive including human resources, local plan and audit matters.
- Audit Committee
- Clacton Town Board
- Human Resources and Council Tax Committee
- Human Resources Sub-Committee Panel
- Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee
- Tendring/Colchester Borders Garden Community Joint Committee
Committees and Sub-Committees set up to undertake the Council’s functions (often acting in a quasi-judicial capacity) in respect of licensing, regulatory and planning/development control matters.
- Licensing and Registration Committee
- Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee
- North Essex Parking Partnership Joint Committee
- Planning Committee
- Premises / Personal Licences Sub-Committee
Review or scrutinise Cabinet or Portfolio Holder decisions made or published in the Forward Plan. Assist with policy formulation. Make reports or recommendations to the Cabinet or Council on any matter affecting the District’s area or its inhabitants. The Councillor Call for Action is a means for Councillors to raise issues of local community concern, for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny function on behalf of residents.
- Community Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Committees and Sub-Committees that undertake the Council’s functions in relation to the standards of conduct of Members and co-opted Members of the Council; the operation and effectiveness of the Code of Conduct; and other elements of the Standards Framework, such as the Complaints Procedure and Proceedings.