Agenda and decisions
Venue: Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1SE. View directions
Contact: Ian Ford Email: or Telephone 01255 686584
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence The Cabinet is asked to note any apologies for absence received from Members.
Declarations of Interest Councillors are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Interests or Non-Registerable Interests, and the nature of it, in relation to any item on the agenda. |
Announcements by the Leader of the Council The Cabinet is asked to note any announcements made by the Leader of the Council. |
Announcements by Cabinet Members The Cabinet is asked to note any announcements made by Members of the Cabinet. |
Matters Referred to the Cabinet by the Council There are no matters referred to the Cabinet by the Council on this occasion. |
To enable Cabinet to consider recommendations made by the Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny Committee following its scrutiny of the Sport and Activity Strategy for Tendring. Decision: RESOLVED that the recommendations made by the Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and that the responses, both written and oral, of the Portfolio Holder responsible for Leisure & Public Realm thereto be endorsed. |
To enable the Cabinet to consider the recommendation made to it by the Standards Committee in relation to a proposed amendment to Article 9 of the Council’s Constitution. Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends to Full Council that Article 9.05(2) of the Council’s Constitution be amended to read as follows:-
“(2) Composition:
· Three Members of the Standards Committee and three non-voting co-opted Town and Parish Council members to be nominated by the Tendring District Association of Local Councils;
· The nominated Town and Parish Council members will be of independent standing and will not have served as District or County Councillors for a period of four years prior to their nomination;
· Tendring District Council would also prefer that the nominated Town and Parish Council members represented different parish/town councils; and
· A member (or non-voting co-opted member) of the Town and Parish Councils’ Standards Sub-Committee will not be permitted to sit in that capacity for a hearing if that Member is the subject of the complaint or the complainant. A substitute will be permitted, if they have undertaken specific Standards Committee training.”
The Council’s strategic direction is set out in its Corporate Plan which is a fundamental element of the Council’s Policy Framework. The Corporate Plan (‘Our Vision’) was adopted unanimously by Council on 28 November 2023 (Minute 76 refers) and covers the period 2024-28. A key element of delivering against the adopted Corporate Plan is through annual highlight priority actions approved by the Cabinet.
The 2025/26 initial proposals for highlight priorities are set out at Appendix B to this report. Through this report, Cabinet is invited to adopt these for consultation purposes before finalising its highlight priorities for 2025/26; which will involve consideration of the outcome of the consultation undertaken. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that -
(a) the initial highlight priorities for 2025/26, as set out at Appendix B to the report (A.3), be approved for consultation;
(b) all Councillors, other partners and the public be invited to consider the initial priorities referred to in (a) above; and
(c) the outcome of the consultation referred to in (b) above be reported to Cabinet on 21 February 2025 in order that Cabinet can formally adopt its finalised highlight priority actions for 2025/26 with relevant milestones during that year.
To endorse and adopt an ethical approach for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Tendring District Council. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that –
(a) the proposed Artificial Intelligence Best Practice Approach, as set out at Appendix A to item A.4 of the Report of the Leader of the Council, be approved and adopted for use at Tendring District Council; and
(b) the Portfolio Holders responsible for Communications and IT be authorised to make any future changes required to the guidance in order to ensure it is updated and continues to reflect best practice as this area develops in the future. |
To enable Cabinet to consider the updated financial forecast and budget proposals for 2025/26 for consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Committees. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that –
a) the updated Financial Forecast and proposed budget position for 2025/26, as set out in item A.5 of the Report of the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder and its appendices, be approved; and
b) the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments be requested on this latest financial forecast and proposed position for 2025/26.
To inform the Cabinet about progress with the Community Regeneration Partnership (formerly Levelling Up Partnership) initiative and recommend that Cabinet approves the proposed projects aimed at place-based regeneration in Clacton and Jaywick, including progressing a first wave of projects under the delegations set out later within this report and establishing appropriate funding agreements with delivery partners for a further wave of projects. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet formally -
a) accepts the £19.79M CDEL and £100k RDEL funding offered by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government for the Community Regeneration Partnership (formerly the Levelling Up Partnership) programme; b) allocates capital expenditure of £19.79M to the Capital Programme against the projects, as set out in Table 1 of item A.6 of the report of the Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism Portfolio Holder, and allocates £100,000 revenue to the delivery of a cultural masterplan for Clacton, to deliver the Partnership; and in respect of the projects identified:- c) approves the scope and details of the ‘first wave’ projects set out in Table 2 of this report and delegates authority as follows: i. approves an allocation of £0.5m from the above capital expenditure to the Seafront Micro Venue project (Ten_10) and authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Arts, Culture and Heritage to: Agree the final design brief, approve submission of the subsequent planning application and procure a main contractor for the detail design and delivery of the project on the basis of a planning consent; ii. requests the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to bring a future report to Cabinet in order to enter a main building contract for the Seafront Micro Venue project subject to the outcome of a formal procurement process; iii. approves an allocation of £0.5m from the above capital expenditure to the Shopfront Improvements project (Ten_08) and authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism to: Sign off an evaluation criteria and deliver an open call grant process administered in line with the adopted External Grant Funding Checklist; iv. approves an allocation of £0.21m from the above capital expenditure to the Community Transport Buses project (Ten_02) and authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism to: Sign off an evaluation criteria and deliver an open call grant process administered in line with the adopted External Grant Funding Checklist; v. approves an allocation of £0.2m from the above capital expenditure to the Extending the Healthy Homes Initiative project (Ten_06) and authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Assets, to: Appraise the sites and execute powers as delegated under the Property Dealing Procedure; d) in respect of the ‘second’ and ‘third’ wave of projects, approves these projects in principle and request Officers to progress outlining the scope and details of these projects, and further requests the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism to bring a future report to Cabinet to seek its approval to progress these projects to implementation; and e) in respect of the ‘fourth wave’ of projects, as set out in Table 3 of the Portfolio Holder’s report (A.5), authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism, in consultation with the Corporate Director (Place and Economy), the Director (Finance and IT) & Section 151 Officer and the Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer, to approve the funding ... view the full decision text for item 12. |
To consider the next steps for the Civic Quarter in Clacton-on-Sea (Levelling Up Fund, LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt scheme (Capital Regeneration Project, CRP) and to approve that funding remaining from the £2,148,421 allocated by Cabinet to these two projects, may be used to progress them to the pre-tender stage. The total sum is made up of £250,000 allocated by Cabinet in May 2023 and £1,898,421 in October 2023.
To consider signing up to the Essex County Council managed service solution for temporary worker services.
To note and endorse continued support for the Essex County Council led LUF and CRP projects: the Clacton Hub (LUF); the Kingsway Improvement Corridor (CRP); and Learning and Library schemes in Dovercourt (CRP), as Tendring District Council continues to operate as Accountable Body and overall programme manager for these projects funded by MHCLG. Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet formally -
1. acknowledges and supports the progress made to date against the original project scope, and the positive outcome of consultation undertaken so far enabling the submission of planning applications for the schemes; 2. approves extending the scope of the £2,148,421 allocated by Cabinet to develop the Carnarvon Terrace (LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt (CRP) projects from planning lodgement through to completion of the main build contract tender process, with expenditure from this allocation to include professional services and capital delivery capacity within the Council; 3. authorises the Corporate Director (Place and Economy), in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer, to continue to determine the mix of funding (from the Council’s own approved contribution and the money made available by the Government) to support both the LUF Scheme in Clacton and the CRP Scheme in Dovercourt, within financial parameters previously agreed and until the next significant project milestones are reported to Cabinet; 4. approves, subject to due diligence being undertaken on the terms and conditions, the Council entering into an agreement with Essex County Council for use of the Managed Service Solution framework for the appointment of temporary and permanent workers; 5. authorises the Chief Executive to undertake the aforementioned due diligence, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and the Section 151 Officer and to sign the agreement; 6. authorises the Corporate Director (Place and Economy) to procure and enter into a Pre-Contract Services Agreement with a suitable main contractor, to increase buildability, reduce risk and deliver value for money on the schemes; 7. authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to agree the final procurement route for the main build contracts and to agree the documentation required to commence procurement for the main build contracts for both Carnarvon Terrace (LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt (CRP); and 8. notes progress on the Essex County Council led LUF and CRP projects: the Clacton Hub (LUF); The Kingsway Improvement Corridor (CRP) and the Learning and Library schemes in Dovercourt (CRP) and reiterates the Council’s continued support for the programme management of these schemes, as set out in previous Cabinet reports and in the Agreements with Essex County Council.
To present to Cabinet proposed revisions to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy for approval prior to consultation being carried out as required by the statutory ‘Allocation of accommodation: guidance for local housing authorities in England 2012’ (as updated in June 2024). Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that -
(a) the proposed revisions to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy, as set out in Appendix A to item A.8 of the Report of the Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder, be approved for consultation with current and prospective tenants, residents and other key stakeholders;
(b) the approval of the format and design of the consultation be delegated to the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing;
(c) subject to there being no significant changes required to be made to the draft Policy because of the consultation, the approval of the revised Housing Allocations Policy be delegated to the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Housing for its adoption and implementation; and
(d) the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery) be authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder responsible for Housing, to make future updates or amendments to this Policy.
To consider the following draft policies prepared in relation to the maintenance and operation of the Council’s retained housing stock:
• Gas Safety Policy; • Electrical Safety Policy; • Fencing and Paving Policy; and • Empty Council Homes Management Policy.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that -
a) the Gas Safety Policy, Electrical Safety Policy, Fencing & Paving Policy and Empty Council Homes Management Policy be adopted;
b) their direct and immediate implementation be authorised, subject to the call in procedures under the Council’s Constitution; and
c) authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder responsible for Housing, to make future updates or amendments to the Policies.
To provide an update and seek Cabinet’s endorsement for an extensive range of community projects which support the Council’s key priorities. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet -
a) notes and commends the ‘Community Projects e-brochure’ and the work within it, delivered by the Council or working in partnership, demonstrating community leadership across the District; and
b) endorses the ‘further aspirations’ work within the ‘Community Projects e-brochure’, noting that any financial commitment to progress these projects and programmes will be subject to future decisions.
To set out and seek approval of an updated Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan, which includes proposed changes in 2024/25 along with budget proposals for 2025/26. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that -
(a) the updated HRA 30 year Business Plan, which includes the proposed revised position for 2024/25 along with budget proposals for 2025/26, be approved; and
(b) the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments be requested on this latest HRA financial forecast.
Management Team Items There are no matters referred to the Cabinet by the Council’s Management Team on this occasion. |