Agenda item

The Cabinet is asked to note any announcements made by Members of the Cabinet.


Spendells Project


The Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder made the following announcement:-


“I am delighted to announce that the Spendells project has been completed, with a Certificate of completion being issued on Tuesday 3rd December and by Friday of the same week, 8 families had moved in.


As of today over 12 families are now in residence, which is a testament to the dedication of our Housing staff in dealing quickly with those families’ needs.


While this project has been delayed, and had other issues, which I am not prepared to comment further on today, it still remains a very worthwhile one. It will provide temporary accommodation for up to 30 families with children, a better place for them to be accommodated, than a hotel room, thereby reducing the impact on both the children’s education and the family’s overall health.


At this site, there are two members of staff available, during the week, to assist those residing there in moving on from this Council owned Temporary Accommodation, either into the private rented sector, or where available, our own Housing stock.


Having visited the site, on more than one occasion, I have seen the project progress, from a building site, into a modern usable site. The design has been one with future residents in mind, and the flat adapted for those unfortunately physically disabled, has features that I had not seen before, including a moveable sink and cooker area, to make access that much easier.


Also, I should mention how grateful I am to Officers, for arranging a site visit, on Monday 18th November, for local residents, and the Ward Councillor, Councillor Oxley, to show them the rooms and facilities available, and to ‘put to bed’ the rumours as to who would be occupying the site.”


Tenancy Checks and Reviews


The Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder made the following announcement:-


“This Council will be undertaking a tenancy audit of its Housing Stock. These checks, performed regularly by a dedicated fraud team, aim to identify properties that have been abandoned, sub-let, or falsely claimed.


The checks are also carried out to ensure that tenants are in receipt of the correct discount or benefit, for example Single Person Discount, Local Government Support Grant or Housing Benefit, where applicable.


In recent years, more than 60 properties were reclaimed from individuals who falsely claimed entitlement and these homes were then reassigned to families on the waiting list who genuinely need them.


For instance, one case involved a tenant who had not lived in his property for over two years, he was found to be living elsewhere and using the Council property for storage and to access benefits fraudulently.  As a result of this investigation, legal action was taken and the property was taken back by the council and provided to a family in need.


Tenancy reviews are important for protecting taxpayers and legitimate council tenants.


We are proud of our area and the services we provide to our thousands of council tenants, most of whom are model residents legitimately housed by us. Unfortunately, a small minority try to exploit the system, depriving families in need of a home and costing TDC – and taxpayers – having to provide temporary accommodation. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, but we do not tolerate fraud. If someone is acting illegally, we will find out and take action.


We also want to ensure homes have not been abandoned, something which could be depriving local people of a much-needed home.”


Family Fun Day


The Leisure & Public Realm Portfolio Holder informed Cabinet that he had been delighted to attend the recent free Family Fun Day which had been held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Dovercourt Lifestyles centre.