Agenda item

To consider the next steps for the Civic Quarter in Clacton-on-Sea (Levelling Up Fund, LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt scheme (Capital Regeneration Project, CRP) and to approve that funding remaining from the £2,148,421 allocated by Cabinet to these two projects, may be used to progress them to the pre-tender stage. The total sum is made up of £250,000 allocated by Cabinet in May 2023 and £1,898,421 in October 2023.


To consider signing up to the Essex County Council managed service solution for temporary worker services.


To note and endorse continued support for the Essex County Council led LUF and CRP projects: the Clacton Hub (LUF); the Kingsway Improvement Corridor (CRP); and Learning and Library schemes in Dovercourt (CRP), as Tendring District Council continues to operate as Accountable Body and overall programme manager for these projects funded by MHCLG.


RESOLVED that Cabinet formally -


1.    acknowledges and supports the progress made to date against the original project scope, and the positive outcome of consultation undertaken so far enabling the submission of planning applications for the schemes;

2.    approves extending the scope of the £2,148,421 allocated by Cabinet to develop the Carnarvon Terrace (LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt (CRP) projects from planning lodgement through to completion of the main build contract tender process, with expenditure from this allocation to include professional services and capital delivery capacity within the Council;

3.    authorises the Corporate Director (Place and Economy), in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer, to continue to determine the mix of funding (from the Council’s own approved contribution and the money made available by the Government) to support both the LUF Scheme in Clacton and the CRP Scheme in Dovercourt, within financial parameters previously agreed and until the next significant project milestones are reported to Cabinet;

4.    approves, subject to due diligence being undertaken on the terms and conditions, the Council entering into an agreement with Essex County Council for use of the Managed Service Solution framework for the appointment of temporary and permanent workers;

5.    authorises the Chief Executive to undertake the aforementioned due diligence, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and the Section 151 Officer and to sign the agreement;

6.    authorises the Corporate Director (Place and Economy) to procure and enter into a Pre-Contract Services Agreement with a suitable main contractor, to increase buildability, reduce risk and deliver value for money on the schemes;

7.    authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to agree the final procurement route for the main build contracts and to agree the documentation required to commence procurement for the main build contracts for both Carnarvon Terrace (LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt (CRP); and

8.    notes progress on the Essex County Council led LUF and CRP projects: the Clacton Hub (LUF); The Kingsway Improvement Corridor (CRP) and the Learning and Library schemes in Dovercourt (CRP) and reiterates the Council’s continued support for the programme management of these schemes, as set out in previous Cabinet reports and in the Agreements with Essex County Council.



Cabinet considered a detailed report of the Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.7), which enabled it:-


(i)     to consider the next steps for the Civic Quarter in Clacton-on-Sea (Levelling Up Fund, LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt scheme (Capital Regeneration Project, CRP) and to approve that funding remaining from the £2,148,421 allocated by Cabinet to those two projects, could be used to progress them to the pre-tender stage. The total sum was made up of £250,000 allocated by Cabinet in May 2023 and £1,898,421 in October 2023;

(ii)    to consider signing up to the Essex County Council managed service solution for temporary worker services; and

(iii)   to note and endorse continued support for the Essex County Council led LUF and CRP projects: the Clacton Hub (LUF); the Kingsway Improvement Corridor (CRP); and Learning and Library schemes in Dovercourt (CRP), as Tendring District Council continued to operate as the Accountable Body and overall programme manager for those projects funded by MHCLG.


The Portfolio Holder’s report covered the following matters:-


(a)    The programme and projects;

(b)    Progress to date;

(c)    Projects Delivered by ECC;

(d)    Next steps; and

(e)    Programme management.


In order to ensure the momentum was maintained with the professional team to deliver the LUF and CRP projects to the next technical design development stages, to be able to go out to tender for construction and furthermore, to ensure the Council was able to adequately oversee the projects and manage the subsequent risk effectively, by having the Capital Delivery capacity in place for capital projects within the Council:-


It was moved by Councillor I J Henderson, seconded by Councillor M E Stephenson and:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet formally -


1.    acknowledges and supports the progress made to date against the original project scope, and the positive outcome of consultation undertaken so far enabling the submission of planning applications for the schemes;

2.    approves extending the scope of the £2,148,421 allocated by Cabinet to develop the Carnarvon Terrace (LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt (CRP) projects from planning lodgement through to completion of the main build contract tender process, with expenditure from this allocation to include professional services and capital delivery capacity within the Council;

3.    authorises the Corporate Director (Place and Economy), in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer, to continue to determine the mix of funding (from the Council’s own approved contribution and the money made available by the Government) to support both the LUF Scheme in Clacton and the CRP Scheme in Dovercourt, within financial parameters previously agreed and until the next significant project milestones are reported to Cabinet;

4.    approves, subject to due diligence being undertaken on the terms and conditions, the Council entering into an agreement with Essex County Council for use of the Managed Service Solution framework for the appointment of temporary and permanent workers;

5.    authorises the Chief Executive to undertake the aforementioned due diligence, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and the Section 151 Officer and to sign the agreement;

6.    authorises the Corporate Director (Place and Economy) to procure and enter into a Pre-Contract Services Agreement with a suitable main contractor, to increase buildability, reduce risk and deliver value for money on the schemes;

7.    authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to agree the final procurement route for the main build contracts and to agree the documentation required to commence procurement for the main build contracts for both Carnarvon Terrace (LUF) and Homes for Dovercourt (CRP); and

8.    notes progress on the Essex County Council led LUF and CRP projects: the Clacton Hub (LUF); The Kingsway Improvement Corridor (CRP) and the Learning and Library schemes in Dovercourt (CRP) and reiterates the Council’s continued support for the programme management of these schemes, as set out in previous Cabinet reports and in the Agreements with Essex County Council.


Supporting documents: