Meeting documents

80  Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 4 October 2013
 1 Minutes (41K/bytes) 
85  Informal Call-in Process
Decision 2352
 1 Call-In Report (24K/bytes) 
86  Review of the Community Asset Rental Offsetting Scheme – Setting the Framework, Community Transfer and Clacton Sports Club
Decision 2353
 1 CAROS, Community Transfer, Clacton Sports Club Report (89K/bytes) 
87  The Tendring District Council Local Plan – Pre-Submission Focussed Changes
Decision 2354
 1 Local Plan Pre-Submission Report (39K/bytes) 
89  The Local Council Tax Support Scheme and Council Tax Exemptions and Discounts for 2014/2015
Decision 2355
 1 LCTSS , Council Tax Exemptions and Discounts Report (66K/bytes) 
 2 LCTSS Appendix A (887K/bytes) 
 3 LCTSS Appendix B (2M/bytes) 
 4 LCTSS Appendix C (220K/bytes) 
 5 LCTSS Appendix D (22K/bytes) 
90  Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter of 2013/2014 and Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement 2014/2015
Decision 2356
 1 Budget Monitoring and Annual MRP Statement Report (49K/bytes) 
 2 Budget Monitoring and Annual MRP Statement Appendices (824K/bytes) 
91  Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan
Decision 2357
 1 Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan Report (35K/bytes) 
 2 EDS Appendix A (7M/bytes) 
 3 EDS Appendix B (3M/bytes) 
 4 EDS Appendix C (3M/bytes) 
951 Exempt Minutes (11K/bytes)