
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Deed of Variation - 23/01580/DOVU5 - Land at Admirals Farm, Heckfords Road, Great Bentley, CO6 8RS ref: 1261509/02/202409/02/2024Not for call-in
Weeley Bridge Holiday Park, Weeley - Possible Dangerous Tree ref: 1237705/02/202405/02/2024Not for call-in
23/00643/LIBRE - Licence to Breed Dogs - Mrs T Wisdom, Lillybug Kennels, Rose Glen, Rectory Road, Weeley Heath, Essex CO16 9BH ref: 1221101/02/202401/02/2024Not for call-in
Replacement Items - Grounds Maintenance Equipment ref: 1221214/02/202414/02/2024Not for call-in
Installation of LED Lighting at the Council's Sports Facilities ref: 1221013/02/202413/02/2024Not for call-in
Acceptance of Transfer of Plots - Finches Park, Kirby Cross ref: 1220907/02/202421/02/2024Call-in expired
Deeds of Variation for various Section 106 Agreements for Housing Developments ref: 1220808/02/202421/02/2024Call-in expired
Electric heating service and maintenance term contract ref: 1220712/02/202412/02/2024Not for call-in
Licensing Delegations - 05/02/2024 to 09/02/2024 ref: 1220609/02/202409/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01743/FUL - The Little House Clay Lane St Osyth Clacton On Sea Essex CO16 8HH ref: 1220508/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01221/OUT - Land to The rear of 173 - 203 Thorpe Road Kirby Cross Essex CO13 0NH ref: 1220408/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01811/FULHH 36 Merrilees Crescent Holland On Sea Clacton On Sea Essex CO15 5XX ref: 1220309/02/202409/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01783/FULHH - 106 Clacton Road St Osyth Clacton On Sea Essex CO16 8PE ref: 1220209/02/202409/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01735/FUL 1A and B Connaught Avenue Frinton On Sea Essex CO13 9PN ref: 1220109/02/202409/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01632/FUL - Rolph C of E Primary School High Street Thorpe Le Soken Clacton On Sea Essex CO16 0DY ref: 1220009/02/202409/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01580/DOVU5 - Land at Admirals Farm, Heckfords Road, Great Bentley ref: 1219905/02/202405/02/2024Not for call-in
Completion of land acquisition at Victoria Street, Dovercourt ref: 1219808/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
Street Naming - Former Hamilton Lodge, Parsons Hill, Great Bromley ref: 1219706/02/202416/02/2024Call-in expired
Request to Release Section 106 monies to Great Bentley Parish Council ref: 1219618/01/202418/01/2024Not for call-in
Release of Section 106 money to Great Bromley Parish Council ref: 1219503/01/202403/01/2024Not for call-in
Licensing Delegations - 29 January 2024 to 2 February 2024 ref: 1219402/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01703/FULHH - Hannays, 28 Harold Road, Frinton-on-Sea CO13 9BE ref: 1218702/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01718/FULHH - 22A Rokell Way, Kirby Cross, Frinton-on-Sea CO13 0RZ ref: 1218902/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01755/LUPROP - 10 Holland Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 6EG ref: 1219002/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01761/FULHH - 10 Walnut Way, Brightlingsea CO7 0LJ ref: 1219102/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01789/FUL - 23 Mayfly Way, Ardleigh CO7 7WX ref: 1219202/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01822/FULHH - Blenheim, Bromley Road, Ardleigh CO7 7SF ref: 1219302/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01489/FULHH - 209 Colchester Road, Lawford CO11 2BU ref: 1218602/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
23/01713/LUEX - Land adjacent Oak House Farm, Harwich Road, Great Bromley CO7 7JG ref: 1218802/02/202402/02/2024Not for call-in
Business Rates Property Base 2024/25 (NNDR1) ref: 1218531/01/202409/02/2024Call-in expired
Allocation of levelling up capacity funding for a fixed term project manager post ref: 1218431/01/202431/01/2024Not for call-in
The House of Captain Christopher Jones - Extension to Lease to 31st May 2024 ref: 1218331/01/202431/01/2024Not for call-in
Wayleaves for BT in Harwich ref: 1218231/01/202431/01/2024Not for call-in