Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy & Place)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


In Tendring District Council’s Climate Change Report dated September 2023, the Report of the Leader of the Council for the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Governance, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Open Space, and Environment, recommended and approved funding from the Climate Change Budget, drawing on the £250,000 previously allocated by Cabinet to the Climate Change Action Plan to implement carbon reduction plans by enabling the following works to be completed:
•Installation of pool covers at Clacton, Dovercourt Bay, and Walton on the Naze.
•Progress plans for further carbon reduction include the Wellbeing Zone (Spa) Pool Cover, Lower Carbon Lighting, and Lower Carbon Heating Systems.
As part of TDC’s Climate Control Policy and in an effort to reduce energy consumption by 20%, lessening TDC’s carbon footprint, a contractor has successfully bid for the opportunity to complete the installation of LED light fittings, microwave PIR sensors, and associated time switches to reduce energy consumption across all 3 leisure sports facilities, under Fusion21 Framework.
As set out in the report noted above, the recommendation is as follows:
(iii) the remaining Climate Change Budget be allocated to procure an additional pool cover for the Wellness Pool at Clacton Leisure Centre and LED upgrades at the Council’s three Sports Facilities and Northborne Depot.
As such, a decision has been brough forward to appoint and to award a contract, and to enter into a contract for the installation of new LED lighting via the Framework Fusion 21 with Crystal Electronics Ltd to complete the necessary works.


Following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and Governance, the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Public Realm and the Portfolio Holder for Environment to appoint / award and enter into a contract, via the Fusion21 Framework, with Crystal Electronics Ltd to complete the lighting upgrade/ replacement of existing lighting system to LED lighting systems at Clacton Leisure Centre and also Dovercourt Bay Lifestyles.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - To upgrade the lighting at the Council's Sports Facilities to LED (this decision)
Option 2 - Not to install and continue with increased utility costs.

Publication date: 13/02/2024

Date of decision: 13/02/2024