Issue - decisions

23/04/2021 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Corporate Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder - A.2 - Clacton and Holland-on-Sea Cliff Stabilisation: Phase 2

RESOLVED that Cabinet –


a)    subject to Full Council agreeing to the allocation of funding, approves the project to stabilise the damaged cliff areas at Holland-on-Sea;


b)    subject to a) above, approves the inclusion of the cliff stabilisation scheme within the 2021/22 Capital Programme with a budget of £2.131m, to be funded by utilising £1.5m from the existing beach recharge reserve along with the £631k already set aside for this project;


c)    recommends to Full Council that it approves the use of the £1.5m beach recharge reserve to fully fund the proposed cliff stabilisation scheme;


d)    instructs officers to seek ways to generate external funding to offset cliff stabilisation costs; and


e)    approves on-going representations being made to Government in the light of recent experiences and the continuing, significant and financial challenges faced by the Council in this area.