Issue - meetings

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 37)


Erection of 13 Sheltered Housing bungalows for persons 55 years old or older, and a new community facility building (on the site of the recently demolished sheltered housing building).


The application is before the Planning Committee as Tendring District Council is the applicant.

Additional documents:


Committee members were told that this application was before the Planning Committee as Tendring District Council was the applicant.


Members were told that the application proposed the erection of 13 Sheltered Housing properties alongside a communal building. The site fell within the Settlement Development boundary for Lawford, whilst NPPG guidance sought to provide specialist housing for older people.


Committee members heard that the design, scale and layout of the proposal was supported by Officers, and that therefore there would not be significant harm to the amenities of neighbouring properties.


Members also heard that there would not be significant harm to existing trees and that ECC Ecology supported the proposal subject to conditions.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Officer (MP) in respect of the application.


An update sheet had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting with details of the Unilateral Undertaking and additional representations showing support for the application:


“23/00929/FUL - Erection of 13 Sheltered Housing bungalows for persons 55 years old or older, and a new community facility building (on the site of recently demolished sheltered housing building).

Honeycroft & 2 Waldegrave Way, Lawford,  Manningtree CO11 2DX

Unilateral Undertaking


The Unilateral Undertaking to secure a financial contribution towards the Essex Coast Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) has now been completed.


Additional Representations


A letter has been received from Councillor Giancarlo Guglielmi on behalf of himself, Councillor Terry Barrett and Lawford Parish Council in support of the application, which reads as follows:


We write to express our combined strong support for this application, and we are sorry for not having submitted this representation before now.


The Chairman of Lawford Parish Council will attend the site visit on Thursday 28th September, but although we would have very much liked to have made our representation in person, regretfully we will not be able to attend the Committee meeting because of previous commitments.


We are delighted that this application will now be heard and determined by the Members of the Planning Committee, and we very much hope that they will agree with the Officer’s recommendation and approve this scheme that has been long time coming.


We would like to thank the Property Team for the huge amount of work they have put into preparing this application, and come with a scheme that will offer first class accommodation for Tendring residents over 55, and as this site previously known as Honeycroft Sheltered Housing, has historically provided accommodation to people who had Lawford, Mistley, and Manningtree connections, we would very much like that this unwritten policy should continue.


We are very pleased to see that CONDITION 5 addresses the potential disturbance to neighbouring properties with regards to noise, dust, and the various stages of construction, as well as including a scheme to review issues  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37