Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2102
Date :-2011/09/28
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-Yes
Subject of Decision :-ECC Minerals Development Document: Site Allocations - Issues and Options Paper
Decision :-RESOLVED – (a) That having regard to the scale of new mineral extraction proposed and the site’s proximity to Ardleigh village, the Council strongly objects to the inclusion of Site A 45 (including rail siding and processing stock piling area) due to the impact of the proposal upon landscape, public footpaths and the local and residential amenity.

(b) That having regard to the location of the suggested railway siding and processing/ stockpiling area and their proximity to Ardleigh village, the Council strongly objects to the inclusion of Site D 6 (rail siding and processing/stockpiling area including new accesses and internal road) as a ‘standalone’ facility.

(c) That Essex County Council be requested to ensure, if either new site being considered at Ardleigh is selected subsequently as a “Preferred Site”, that there will be full publicity and consultation on all “Preferred Sites” across Essex.

(d) That having regard to the submission date for any comments to be made to Essex County Council (20 October 2011) the Planning Portfolio Holder be authorised to make any additional comments which might be considered necessary subsequent to this meeting.

(e) That Essex County Council be requested, when carrying out any such public consultations in future, to specifically inform any local Ward Members in the affected and neighbouring areas.
Reason for Decision :-In the light of the raised concerns.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.
Contact Officer :-Temporary Head of Planning - Sarah Stevens
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2011/10/05
Attachments :-A2 Report and Appendices combined (2M/bytes)