Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2530
Date :-2015/02/27
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the Third Quarter of 2014/15
Decision :-(a) The financial position as at the end of December 2014 was noted.

(b) The 2014/15 budget was amended to reflect favourable variances emerging so far to date as follows:

• £0.100m reduction in salary budgets;
• £0.100m increase to the planning fee income budgets;
• £0.027m increase to the parking services income budgets; and
• £0.227m – Contribution to Reserves (being the total of the above transferred to the Austerity Reserve)

(c) Following the Leader of the Council’s budget speech to Council on 10 February 2015, the following budget adjustments were approved:

i) That £0.030m be included within the 2015/16 employee budgets to meet the cost of introducing the living wage for Council Officers from 1 April 2015;

ii) That £0.062m be allocated in the 2015/16 budget to meet the cost of hosting a stage of the 2015 Women’s Cycle Tour;

iii) That £0.005m be included in the 2014/15 budget to meet the cost of this Council’s contribution to the work being undertaken across Essex Authorities in respect of the on-going devolution debate;

iv) That £0.097m be allocated from the Fit for Purpose budget in 2014/15 to meet the cost of i) to iii) above;

v) That in respect of the 2014/15 Fit for Purpose Budget, £0.160m be set aside within this budget until such time as a final decision in respect of supporting the cost of Street Lighting across the District is made by this Council;

vi) That £0.500m be allocated to establish an Small/Medium Enterprise (SME) Growth Fund in 2014/15.

vii) That £0.500m be allocated to establish a Development Growth Fund in 2014/15;

viii) That £1.000m be allocated from the New Homes Bonus in 2014/15 to meet the cost of vi) to vii) above;

ix) That £0.030m be allocated in 2014/15 from within Regeneration revenue budgets to support the establishment of new apprenticeships across the Tendring District;

x) That £0.010m be allocated in 2014/15 to meet the cost of undertaking the necessary study to assess the works required at Brightlingsea Paddling Pool;

xi) That a virement of £0.010m in 2014/15 from the Brightlingsea Swimming Pool Budget be agreed to meet the cost of (x) above;

xii) That £0.128m is allocated in 2014/15 to meet the cost of two Community Street Wardens for a period of 2 years; and

xiii) That a virement of £0.128m in 2014/15 from the Community Safety Budget is agreed to meet the cost of xii) above.

(d) The Corporate Director (Public Experience) and Corporate Director (Corporate Services) were authorised to undertake the necessary negotiations with the Kiosk Holders affected by the Clacton to Holland Coast works and to agree the final terms of the associated agreements in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Inward Investment and Asset Management.

(e) In respect of the Essex Family Tendring project, Cabinet supported the continued partnership working with the Tendring Family Solutions team and approved the extension of the Tendring Family Support Worker post for a further three years (from October 2015 when the current arrangement expires) using the grant funding previously allocated by Essex County Council and North East Essex Primary Care Trust.
Reason for Decision :-Having discussed the report and the proposals contained therein.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-Councillor Broderick declared a interest.

Consultation with Ward Member: N/A.
Contact Officer :-Finance and Procurement Manager - Richard Barrett
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2015/03/09
Attachments :-A.1 CBM Report and Appendices (331K/bytes)