Meeting documents

Reference Number :-2623
Date :-2015/11/20
Decision Maker :-Cabinet
Subject to Call-in :-No
Subject of Decision :-Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter of 2015/16
Decision :-That:

(a) the financial position as at the end of September 2015 was noted;

(b) in respect of the 2015/16 budget it was agreed that £0.074million to fund additional capacity and training within the Planning Department be included in the budget and met from a corresponding increase in the Planning fee income budget; and

(c) the 2015/16 budget be amended to reflect net favourable variances emerging so far to date as follows: Reduction in the budget of £0.075million from reduced salary costs; Reduction in the budget of £0.050million from increased planning fee income over and above the adjustment set out in (b) above; Increase in the budget of £0.079million to reflect reduced crematorium fee income as a result of reduced capacity during the major cremator replacement works; and £0.046million – Contribution to Reserves (being the net total of the above transferred to the Austerity Reserve).
Reason for Decision :-Having considered the report.
Alternative Options Considered :-None.
Conflicts of Interest Delared (and Dispensations Granted by the Monitoring Officer) :-None.

Consultation with Ward Member: N/A.
Contact Officer :-Finance and Procurement Manager - Richard Barrett.
Decision to Take Effect at end of :-2015/11/30
Attachments :-A.8 CBM Report Second Quarter of 2015/16 (665K/bytes)