Meeting documents

2  Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 19 April 2013
 1 Minutes 19 April 2013 (20K/bytes) 
7  Petitions
Decision 2283
 1 Petitions Report (24K/bytes) 
8  Civic Hub Project – Review of Progress
Decision 2284
 1 Civic Hub Report (23K/bytes) 
9  Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the Third Quarter of 2012/13
Decision 2285
 1 CBM Report (13K/bytes) 
10  Impact of the new Waste and Recycling Contract
Decision 2286
 1 Waste and Recycling Contract (23K/bytes) 
11  Beach Huts: Dovercourt Seafront below Beach Road
Decision 2287
 1 Beach Huts at Dovercourt Report (23K/bytes) 
12  Beach Hut Strategy
Decision 2288
 1 Beach Hut Strategy Report (22K/bytes) 
13  Impact of the new Management and Service Structures on frontline services delivery (Life Opportunities)
Decision 2289
 1 Frontline Services Life Opportunities Report (23K/bytes) 
14  Princes Theatre Cinema Proposal
Decision 2290
 1 Princes Theatre Cinema Report (22K/bytes) 
15  The new Tendring District Council Website and Social Networking
Decision 2291
 1 Website and Social Networking Report (22K/bytes) 
17  Clacton and Holland Coastal Defence Work
Decision 2292
 1 Coastal Defence Report (39K/bytes) 
 2 Coastal Defgence Appendix 1 (254K/bytes) 
 3 Coastal Defence Appendix 2 (46K/bytes) 
18  Renewal of Lease: Holland Library, Adjoining Holland Public Hall, Frinton Road, Holland-on-Sea
Decision 2293
 1 Holland Library Lease Report (14K/bytes) 
 2 Holland Library Lease Appendix (623K/bytes) 
19  Land at Kirby Road and Mill Lane, Walton-on-the-Naze
 1 Land at Kirby Road and Mill Lane Walton Report (24K/bytes) 
 2 Land at Kirby Road and Mill Lane Walton Appendix (43K/bytes) 
20  Consultation with Residents
Decision 2294
 1 Consultation with Residents Report (26K/bytes) 
231 Special Minute 19 April 2013 (9K/bytes)
241 Part B Report Lease Renewal Holland Library (18K/bytes)
251 Part B Report Land at Kirby Road and Mill Lane Walton (19K/bytes)