Meeting documents

83  Initial Financial Forecast and Initial Financial Strategy 2011/12 - Corporate Management Committee Comments
Decision 1993
 1 Report Initial Financial Forecast & Initial Financial Strategy 2011/12 (81K/bytes) 
84  Annual Review of the Constitution
Decision 1994
 1 Report Annual Review of Constitution (35K/bytes) 
 2 Appendix to report of annual review of Constitution (140K/bytes) 
85  Tendring Spending Review - Delivery Plan
Decision 1995
 1 Report Tendring Spending Review (84K/bytes) 
 2 Appendix Tendring Spending Review (147K/bytes) 
86  Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the Half Year ending 30 September 2010
Decision 1996
 1 CBM Monitoring Report (111K/bytes) 
 2 Appendix to CBM Report (158K/bytes) 
Decision 1997
 1 Report Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (65K/bytes) 
89  Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan 2011/12
Decision 1999
 1 Report Capital Strategy and AMP (62K/bytes) 
 2 Appendix to Capital Strategy Report (180K/bytes) 
90  Member Access to Council Buildings
Decision 2000
 1 Report Member Access (61K/bytes) 
91  Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan - Approval and Adoption by Tendring District Council
Decision 2001
 1 Report Essex and Suffolk Shoreline (72K/bytes) 
92  Quarter 2 - Performance Report and Key Projects 2010/11
Decision 2002
 1 Report Quarter 2 (46K/bytes) 
 2 Appendix A to Quarter 2 (467K/bytes) 
 3 Appendix B to Quarter 2 (219K/bytes) 
93  White Paper: Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (July 2010)
Decision 2003
 1 Report and Appendix White Paper NHS (115K/bytes) 
94  Progress Report on Planning Service Improvements
Decision 2004
 1 Report Planning Service (76K/bytes) 
 2 Appendix A to Planning Report (155K/bytes) 
 3 Appendix B to Planning Report (82K/bytes) 
95  Equality Act
Decision 2005
 1 Report Equality Act (94K/bytes) 
96  Council Tax - Discretionary Discounts for Domestic Properties
Decision 2006
 1 Report Council Tax (85K/bytes)