Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend in their capacity as member of that committee.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present In attendance
Councillor Maurice Alexander12120
Councillor Chris Amos440
Councillor Andy Baker880
Councillor Terence Barrett430
Councillor Mick Barry770
Councillor Matthew Bensilum540
Councillor Jeff Bray1091
Councillor Michael Bush1150
Councillor Garry Calver440
Councillor Dan Casey760
Councillor Jayne Chapman BEM882
Councillor James Codling970
Councillor Andrea Cossens990
Councillor Mark Cossens12120
Councillor Bill Davidson10100
Councillor Carolyn Doyle650
Councillor Richard Everett540
Councillor Zoe Fairley880
Councillor Tanya Ferguson630
Councillor Maria Fowler13100
Councillor Bernard Goldman770
Councillor Chris Griffiths550
Councillor Carlo Guglielmi980
Councillor Peter Harris440
Councillor Ivan Henderson760
Councillor Jo Henderson13110
Councillor Paul Honeywood552
Councillor Susan Honeywood550
Councillor Peter Kotz770
Councillor Daniel Land630
Councillor Lynda McWilliams1080
Councillor Pam Morrison540
Councillor Sarah Newton12110
Councillor Ann Oxley740
Councillor Gina Placey1060
Councillor Mark Platt540
Councillor Gary Scott762
Councillor Mick Skeels Jnr.760
Councillor Adrian Smith18170
Councillor Graham Steady770
Councillor Gemma Stephenson440
Councillor Mark Stephenson770
Councillor Geeta Sudra1090
Councillor Michael Talbot650
Councillor Bradley Thompson510
Councillor Nick Turner330
Councillor John White980
Councillor Ann Wiggins1490