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Alexander, Councillor Maurice Alexander
Amos, Councillor Chris Amos
Baker, Councillor Andy Baker
Barrett, Councillor Terence Barrett
Barry, Councillor Mick Barry
Bensilum, Councillor Matthew Bensilum
Bray, Councillor Jeff Bray
Bush, Councillor Michael Bush
Calver, Councillor Garry Calver
Casey, Councillor Dan Casey
Chapman BEM, Councillor Jayne Chapman BEM
Codling, Councillor James Codling
Cossens, Councillor Andrea Cossens
Cossens, Councillor Mark Cossens
Davidson, Councillor Bill Davidson
Doyle, Councillor Carolyn Doyle
Everett, Councillor Richard Everett
Fairley, Councillor Zoe Fairley
Ferguson, Councillor Tanya Ferguson
Fowler, Councillor Maria Fowler
Goldman, Councillor Bernard Goldman
Griffiths, Councillor Chris Griffiths
Guglielmi, Councillor Carlo Guglielmi
Harris, Councillor Peter Harris
Henderson, Councillor Ivan Henderson
Henderson, Councillor Jo Henderson
Honeywood, Councillor Paul Honeywood
Honeywood, Councillor Susan Honeywood
Kotz, Councillor Peter Kotz
Land, Councillor Daniel Land
Lennard, Councillor Ian Lennard
McWilliams, Councillor Lynda McWilliams
Morrison, Councillor Pam Morrison
Newton, Councillor Sarah Newton
Oxley, Councillor Ann Oxley
Placey, Councillor Gina Placey
Platt, Councillor Mark Platt
Scott, Councillor Gary Scott
Skeels Jnr., Councillor Mick Skeels Jnr.
Smith, Councillor Adrian Smith
Steady, Councillor Graham Steady
Stephenson, Councillor Gemma Stephenson
Stephenson, Councillor Mark Stephenson
Sudra, Councillor Geeta Sudra
Talbot, Councillor Michael Talbot
Thompson, Councillor Bradley Thompson
Turner, Councillor Nick Turner
White, Councillor John White
Wiggins, Councillor Ann Wiggins
Registered gifts and hospitalities
There are no gifts or hospitalities for this period