Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Reference from the Cabinet - A.2 - Executive's Initial Highlights Priorities Proposals'

  • Councillor Paul Honeywood - Other Registrable Interest - Insofar as a member of his family was a customer of Careline. The Monitoring Officer (Lisa Hastings) had decided, prior to the commencement of the meeting, that as Councillors P B Honeywood and S A Honeywood were not Decision Makers on the future of the Careline service, she had consented to grant them both a Dispensation in order to allow them to remain in the meeting.
  • Councillor Susan Honeywood - Other Registrable Interest - Insofar as a member of her family was a customer of Careline. The Monitoring Officer (Lisa Hastings) had decided, prior to the commencement of the meeting, that as Councillors P B Honeywood and S A Honeywood were not Decision Makers on the future of the Careline service, she had consented to grant them both a Dispensation in order to allow them to remain in the meeting.