Issue details
To appoint Porter PE to undertake a CIL
Viability Assessment on behalf of the Council.
To inform the production of the CIL Charging Schedule, and in
accordance with the CIL Regulations and the Planning Practice
Guidance (PPG), the Council requires consultancy support to produce
a CIL Viability Assessment to recommend appropriate CIL rates for
the District. The Assessment will identify CIL rates which will
maximise the potential for CIL revenue, while also ensuring that
the imposition of a CIL in the District does not render any type of
new development financially unviable.
Following the decision made on 17/09/2024 to being the process of
procuring a CIL viability assessment, a request for quotes was
undertaken resulting in the receipt of three bids.
Authority for Delegated Decision:
Part 3, Schedule 3 – Responsibility for Executive Functions
delegated to Officers paragraph 4.3 (1) – the Corporate
Director has delegated authority to discharge executive functions
within their respective service areas (Part 3.38). All delegations
are subject to consultation where considered appropriate in the
circumstances (paragraph 4.3 (4(ii) – Part 3.39).
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/10/2024
Decision due: 25 Oct 2024 by Director (Planning and Communities)
Contact: Paul Woods, Planning Policy Team Leader 01255 686177 / Email: Email:
- 28/10/2024 - CIL Viability Assessment - Appointment of Consultant
Background papers