Issue details

Officer decision to accept two Department for levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) digital funding streams, as follows;
1)DLUHC Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF) participation funding totalling £65,000. The Council was approached by DLUHC to participate in their local government CAF pilot work across twenty local authorities nationally. Our engagement was principally based upon previous successful digital engagement works with DLUHC.
2)A DLUHC Digital Planning Improvement funding totalling £100,000.
There is no accompanying report.
The DLUHC CAF pilot work is a modest additional resourcing extension to the already programmed (and resourced) cyber-security CAF governance challenge work that forms part of the Council’s annual cyber-security self-assessment review against a range of National Cyber security centre mandatory standards and best-practice.
The Council was approached by DLUHC to participate in their local government CAF pilot work with participation across twenty local authorities nationally. Our engagement was principally reputational and based upon previous successful digital engagement works with DLUHC.
The CAF cyber-security self-assessment is currently mandatory for critical national infrastructure providers and central government and is anticipated to become mandatory for local government within the medium-term.
The DLUHC digital improvement funding will part-fund a collaborative programme of works with other Essex local authority members of the Essex Digital Partnership (EDP). The programme is at the Phase One investigative/ feasibility stage with funding to be committed to the Phase two Delivery Phase.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/06/2024

Decision due: 20 Jun 2024 by Assistant Director (Finance & IT) & Section 151 Officer

Contact: John Higgins, Head of IT and Corporate Resilience Email: tel 01255 686339 Email: Tel: 01255 686339.
