Issue details

Following submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Football Foundation Playzone scheme, the Council has received an offer to be included on the scheme, which includes capacity funding of £25,000.
The PlayZone Programme is a Football Foundation scheme aimed at tackling inequalities in physical activity and access to facilities by funding community-led spaces. Playzones are new outdoor mini pitches designed for football and other sports/activities with the view of prioritising target groups to be more active.
From the list of priority groups set out by the Football Foundation, the Council’s expression of interest focussed on providing facilities for the following:
•Lower socio-economic groups
•Disabled people and people with long term health conditions
The Football Foundation have offered £25,000 of capacity funding, to the Council, which will take the project through a community engagement process and up to and including the submission of a full bid for up to 3 of these facilities to be installed at locations in the district. The actual number and locations of new Playzones which the Council ultimately bids for, will be agreed with the Football Foundation and partners prior to the community engagement process.
The Council’s draft Sport and Activity Strategy recognises the need for more free to use facilities and activities in key areas around this district. If the funding is accepted, it would commit the Council to taking the project up to and including submission of a funding bid. It would not commit the Council any further. Locations for the proposed Playzones would be researched and agreed through the community engagement process.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/05/2024

Decision due: 15 May 2024 by Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive

Contact: Michael Carran, Assistant Director (Economic Growth, Culture & Leisure) Email: (01255) 686689 Email: Tel: 01255 686689.


Background papers