Issue details
Derek Crossfield House is a supported housing
scheme for young people aged 16-25 (single people and couples) who
either have care of a baby or are expecting a child. There are 8
self-contained flats plus communal facilities on site including a
garden, playroom, kitchen and laundry. All the flats are supplied
with a cooker, fridge freezer and carpets
The Council has been providing funding for Derek Crossfield House
since 2017. Prior to this, the support elements of the scheme were
funded via Essex County Council as part of a wider contract for
supported housing services for young persons. However, when this
contract was retendered on a reduced scale in 2017, this scheme was
no longer able to be supported and the Council has agreed funding
on a yearly basis since this date.
Given the type of service offered and the level of ongoing demand,
it is the view of officers that funding should be provided for a
further year using a proportion of the Homelessness Prevention
It is likely that the Council would have a statutory duty to
provide temporary accommodation for the current and future users of
this scheme and that the cost of providing this accommodation would
exceed the cost of supporting this facility,
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/04/2024
Decision due: 27 Mar 2024 by Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)
Contact: Damian Williams, Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery) Email: Email: Tel: 01255 686319.