Issue details
The service has reviewed its fees and charges
for leisure, with proposed increases broadly reflecting expected
inflationary increases in the cost of providing the associated
service e.g. staff costs along with supporting emerging cost
pressures within the facilities.
Leisure services require subsidy with the proposed fee increases in
this report, supporting towards ensuring the cost to the public
purse remaining within the agreed framework, set out annually by
Full Council. The Council is operating its Sports Facilities in
line with the Council’s emerging Sport and Activity Strategy
to support the health and wellbeing of residents and the wider
benefits provided to the wider community. This also includes
supporting national strategic agendas, as set out by DCMS and Sport
England, which the Council’s emerging strategy underpins. As
highlighted in the attached report, the increase in fees and
charges will also support additional, emerging cost pressures which
relate directly to the Council’s Sports Facilities. This
includes some urgent items to ensure the Council can provide
services at Clacton Leisure Centre. Without these essential repairs
taking place, there is a possibility of an interruption to the
Income from fees and charges form an important element of the
budget and the financial sustainability of the Council as set out
in the long term forecast.
Similarly to previous years, Departments have been asked to review
their fees and charges on an individual basis as changes may need
to be made to meet specific aims or strategic objectives or in some
cases in response to external factors such as market forces.
The review of fees and charges has been set against the following
key principles:
•general inflationary increases where possible or lower where
appropriate / justified
•amounts rounded for ease of application, which may result in
a slightly above inflation increase.
•on a cost recovery basis as necessary
•reflect statutory requirements.
•increases where market conditions allow
•to meet specific priorities or service delivery aims /
As highlighted earlier in the attached report, the Council
continues to face a number of significant financial challenges in
2024/25 and beyond. It is therefore important that fees and charges
are considered against this context and to maximise income
opportunities where possible, albeit whilst balancing the various
issues highlighted above.
Income budgets included in the detailed estimates will reflect any
required changes from the proposed fees and charges set out in the
attached report.
The Council does not provide its leisure facilities as a business
activity, but for the purpose of supporting residents to increase
levels of physical activity, to contribute towards health and wider
social benefits.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2024
Decision due: 28 Mar 2024 by Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive
Contact: Michael Carran, Assistant Director (Economic Growth, Culture & Leisure) Email: (01255) 686689 Email: Tel: 01255 686689.
Background papers