Issue details
On 17 June 2022 Cabinet resolved tin principle
to acquire two sections of land at the North End of Victoria Street
in Dovercourt. On the same day the Cabinet (in the private part of
the meeting) agreed the heads of terms and financial arrangements
for that acquisition and delegated any change to the discretion of
the Corporate Director.
Since the meeting the Legal Team has been working to resolve issues
with the legal titles to the areas of land and to agree transfer
Legal work is completed and the Council is now in a position to
complete the acquisition in line with the heads of terms
It is proposed to instruct the Head of Legal Services to complete
the transaction.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/02/2024
Decision due: 8 Feb 2024 by Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)
Contact: Andy White, Assistant Director (Building and Public Realm) Email: 01255686933 Email: Tel: 01255 686933.