Issue details

The Council has previously highlighted the importance of developing the capacity to deliver projects at significant scale, in particular on its capital schemes. A temporary externally funded post in the Economic Growth Service will support the delivery of levelling up work in 2024/5. The post is titled the Levelling Up Projects Manager and is set at Grade 10.
The Council is set to receive very substantial funding under the government’s Levelling Up agenda from next financial year, in addition to the funding it has already received..
As a result, there are constraints on the Council’s capacity to deliver the increased number of projects, in addition to business as usual. However, the funding for delivery is short term and so the capacity needs to also be short term.
The Council has approached Public Practice to recruit a new member of staff on a one year fixed term contract. Public Practice is a well respected not for profit company limited by guarantee. The organisation aims to support the public sector build and develop their place making leadership capabilities.
In addition to the main project funding for the different levelling up schemes, the Council has received capacity funding to support delivery. DHLUC wrote on 11 July 2023 to provide a Capacity and Capability Grant of £70,000.
In December 2023 we took a report to Cabinet on funding for Levelling Up which set out the different levelling up schemes and associated capacity funds. The report stated: The Council has received a £70,000 capacity payment from DLUHC, to facilitate the delivery of the existing Levelling Up Fund project, the Clacton Civic Quarter. This payment is not ringfenced so could be used to fund resources, which can support delivery of other projects which fall under the Levelling Up banner.
As a result it is proposed to use the £70,000 capacity payment for the Levelling Up Fund Project to pay for the costs associated with paying for and recruiting the new Levelling Up Project Manager. As stated in the Cabinet report, the Project Manager will support a range of projects under the levelling up banner, rather than being restricted to just the Levelling Up Fund projects.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2024

Decision due: 31 Jan 2024 by Corporate Director (Economy & Place)

Contact: Lee Heley, Corporate Director (Place & Economy) Email: Email:
