Issue details

The signing of this agreement will support the prosperity and wellbeing of communities across North Essex
The agreement is inspired by the national Civic University Network which is campaigning to ensure universities maximise their impact within their communities and embed civic aspirations in their work to drive forward positive social change.
As well as Tendring District Council, the agreement is signed by the following partners:
-University of Essex
-Colchester City Council
-Essex County Council
-North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance
The MOU is attached to this decision and sets out the basis for the agreement to work in collaboration, but the key points are set out below:
1. To work together as anchor institutions to tackle challenges in health inequalities, deprivation, and skills to improve the opportunities available and regeneration outcomes that are particularly relevant to local communities.
2. To support economic growth in Essex.
3. To work together on the Centre for Coastal Communities.
4. To contribute to the growth of the University.
5. To ensure the developing Tendring / Colchester Borders Garden Community represents an opportunity for growth in jobs, improved transport links, economic prosperity and well planned housing as well as providing skills development and opportunities for residents.
6. To further develop opportunities and a programme of work that contributes to each organisation's strategies for net zero and reduces carbon emissions.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/11/2023

Decision due: 13 Nov 2023 by Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive

Contact: Michael Carran, Assistant Director (Economic Growth, Culture & Leisure) Email: (01255) 686689 Email: Tel: 01255 686689.


Background papers