Issue details

TDC Micro-grants (part of the Community Champions Fund) to award the following organisation £500 to contribute to the following:
iCARP work with groups of vulnerable young people and adults by offering them the opportunity to experience group outdoor activities, at our well-being centre, to help improve their mental well-being. The activities and experiences we offer include angling, bee keeping and rare breed chicken raising.
All iCARP birds currently are kept in roofed pens so that the organisation adheres to DEFRA regulations around bird flu. On the 13/03/2023, in extremely high winds, they experienced high levels of damage to pens and coops alike. This funding will contribute to replacing and repair the pens and coops immediately or they may have to lose the birds from site.
Subsidy Control and the new legislation (Subsidy Control Act 2022) has been considered, including the four- limb test and it is not considered that this project falls within the subsidy control regime.
This funding will be underpinned with a funding agreement that states they will be required to provide feedback on the impact that the funding has had (which forms the monitoring of the spend).
Reason for decision: Supporting local community groups with rising operating costs.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2023

Decision due: 22 Mar 2023 by Assistant Director (Partnerships)

Contact: Rebecca Morton, Executive Projects Manager Email: 01255 686305 Email:
