Issue details

For the past year and following a decision taken in May 2021 the Council has had an Occupational Therapist employed by Essex County Council deployed to work in our housing service for one day per week.
This year-long pilot sought to improve the working relationship with ECC, bring additional knowledge into our adaptations and housing allocations teams and provide a more joined up service to those applying for adaptations to their homes. A particular aim was to increase our spending of the Better Care Fund Disabled Facilities Grant allocation.
The pilot has proved to be a success from the perspective of both our teams and ECC. As such we would like to continue with the arrangement that was funded directly from our Better Care Fund allocation.
ECC have proposed a three year arrangement in order to give certainty to the staff member and this has also been proposed where other similar arrangements are in place elsewhere in Essex.
The proposal will have an annual cost to TDC of £16,411.26 or £49,233.79 over the three years. It is proposed to fund the arrangement from the Better Care Fund Allocation and as such it will not present any cost pressures to the Council. Cllr Paul Honeywood as Housing Portfolio Holder has signed a concurrence agreeing to the use of the funds for this purpose.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/06/2022

Decision due: 17 Jun 2022 by Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)

Contact: Tim Clarke, Assistant Director (Housing and Environment) Email:


Background papers