Chairman of the Council
Councillor Dan Casey has been elected to the role of Chairman of the Council for the 2024/25 municipal year. Councillor Casey, who represents The West Clacton & Jaywick Sands ward, was selected at the Annual Council meeting on 30 April 2024.
Councillor Bill Davidson, who represents Dovercourt Vines & Parkeston ward, has been elected as the Council’s Vice-Chairman.
The Chairman's Charity Fund
The Chairman's Charities for this municipal year are the RNLI and The Royal British Legion.
How to donate to the Chairman's Charities:
Make an Online Donation
Please make cheques payable to "Tendring District Council" or cash donations are welcome. Receipts are available on request.
The address to post or hand deliver your donation to is:
Leadership Support, Town Hall,
Station Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex CO15 1SE.
How to invite the Chairman to an event:
Use the online Chairman's Invitation Form
How to Contact the Chairman:
By Post:
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
By Telephone: 01255 686340
By Email: