Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Final Highlight Priorities for 2025/2607/10/2024For Determination31/01/2025
Initial Highlight Priorities for 2025/2607/10/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Q3 Position on the Highlight Priorities07/10/2024For Determination31/01/2025
Q2 Position for Council's Highlight Priorities07/10/2024For Determination21/10/2024
Careline - Decision following Consultation07/10/2024For Determination15/11/2024
Essex Air Quality Strategy - Approval to support the draft Strategy Consultation07/10/2024For DeterminationNot before 05/11/2024
Housing Allocations Policy03/10/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Reference from RSOSC - Fly Tipping and Mobile CCTV Enforcement02/10/2024For Determination15/11/2024
Reference from the RSOSC - Portfolio Holders' Review of performance and management of Projects under their respective Portfolios02/10/2024For Determination15/11/2024
Review and revision of existing housing policies - Alterations and Improvements Policy, Decant Policy and Pets Policy02/10/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Ethical Framework for use of Artificial Intelligence30/09/2024For Determination20/12/2024