Issue - decisions

14/09/2018 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Finance and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder - A.3 - Financial Performance Report - In-Year Performance against the Budget as at the end of July 2018 and Long-Term Financial Forecast Update



(1)    That in respect of the financial performance against the budget at the end of July 2018, that:


(a)    the position be noted;


(b)    the proposed in-year adjustments to the budget, as set out in Appendix H to item A.3 of the Report of the Finance and Corporate Services Portfolio Holder, be approved;


(c)    future amendments to in-year employee budgets to reflect organisational changes be delegated to the Chief Finance Officer on the basis that they do not increase the Council’s overall net budget; and


(d)    the decision to continue to be a member of the Essex Business Rates Pool and associated bid for pilot status in 2019/20 (if advantageous to the Council) be delegated to the Finance and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder.


(2)    That in respect of the updated Long Term Forecast, that:


(a)  the updated forecast be approved; and


(b)   the Resources and Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee be consulted on the updated position.