Issue - decisions

16/08/2018 - To adopt the newly drafted Essex Wide Amenity Standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) that are to be introduced prior to the extended mandatory licensing scheme from October 1st 2018.

To adopt the newly drafted Essex Wide Amenity Standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) that are to be introduced prior to the extended mandatory licensing scheme from October 1st 2018. On October 1st 2018, the extended mandatory licensing scheme comes into force bringing numerous changes to what will constitute an HMO, new mandatory licence conditions and minimum room sizes for accommodation. As a consequence, the existing Essex Wide Amenity Standards have been re-drafted to include the aforementioned changes. These standards have been drafted following meetings with all LA’s in Essex having an input into the content, and following consultation with Landlords, Tenants and members of the public alike. By having an adopted set of County wide standards it ensures each Authority’s approach to enforcement action is similar with less potential for challenge. The standards have been written in accordance with government guidance (minimum standards) and include higher standards where deemed appropriate in accordance with government recommendations.