Issue - decisions

13/07/2018 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Finance and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder - A.1 - Outturn 2017/18 - General Fund Carry Forward Requests and Proposed Allocation of the General Fund Variance for the Year


That Cabinet –


(a) approves the General Fund revenue carry forwards of £9,688,690 to be carried forward from 2017/18 to 2018/19, as set out in Section A of Appendix A to item A.1 of the Report of the Finance and Corporate Resources;


(b) requests Officers to undertake a further appraisal of the carry forwards requested by services, as set out in Section B of Appendix A to the above report, based on the general value for money principles set out in the report;


(c) authorises the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources to agree the inclusion in the 2018/19 budget of the carry forwards set out in Section B of Appendix A to the aforementioned report, following the further appraisal proposed;


(a)    approves the General Fund capital budgets of £12,249,840 to be carried forward from 2017/18 to 2018/19;


(b)    thanks the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its work and comments;


(c)    requests the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to review budgets that have been carried forward or have remained uncommitted for more than one year and include recommendations within the Corporate Budget Monitoring reports over the remainder of the year that either reconfirms or proposes a reallocation of such budgets;


(g) approves the allocation of the General Fund Variance for the year of £1,263,112, as set out in Table 2 of the Portfolio Holder’s report;


(h)    requests Officers to identify a robust investment / spending framework against which future spending decisions of the Council can be considered, which must include the delivery of the agreed priorities as a key consideration alongside the delivery of a sustainable long-term financial plan; and


(i)     requests the Corporate Director (Planning and Regeneration) to report back to Cabinet in September 2018 setting out how the additional income arising from the recent 20% increase in planning fees is being used by the Planning Service, which must include an exploration of how the inspections regime could be revised to add value to the data held regarding the quality and quantity of what is built within the District, as highlighted by the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.