Issue - decisions

15/06/2018 - Economic Development Strategy and Employment Land Review

Officers determined to commission consultants to undertake a light touch review of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy and Employment Land Review, with the requirement that both documents be rationalised using robust and up to date evidence, with the purpose of informing and supporting the Council’s position at the Examination in Public of its emerging Local Plan. The review of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy will identify the means through which the Council can diversify and strengthen the district’s economy and create the right economic conditions to deliver sustainable economic growth particularly with the higher value adding sectors. The Employment Land Review will focus on the Council’s policies for the allocation and protection of employment land. This work will include research to inform the strategy in order to deliver new employment opportunities linked to the large strategic sites allocated for mixed use development in the emerging Local Plan. The two studies are intrinsically linked and will therefore inform each other in terms of the evidence identified and the documents key actions.