Issue - decisions

05/12/2017 - Superfast Essex Broadband

That the Council supports Phase 3 of the Superfast Essex Broadband programme to deliver superfast broadband coverage to around 98.5% of premises in the Tendring District.


That the Council contributes £0.250m to the scheme (which will attract £9.050m of partner funding) to be funded from the £0.598m budget set aside for improved broadband in Tendring.


That subsequent to the above, a Funding Agreement will be entered into with ECC setting out the terms and conditions of the arrangement as agreed by the Corporate Director (Planning and Regeneration) in consultation with the Section 151 and Monitoring Officers.


NOTE: In accordance with the provisions of Rule 15 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules and Rule 18 (i) of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the Chairman of the Corporate Management Committee has granted consent for this decision to be taken under the special urgency procedure and to be exempt from the call-in process.