Issue - decisions

10/11/2017 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder - A.15 The Local Council Tax Support Scheme, Council Tax Exemptions/Discounts for 2018/19 and Annual Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement 2018/19



(a)   the Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS) remains the same as the current year, as set out as Appendix A to item A.15 of the Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder and that therefore:


i)     the LCTS be approved with the maximum LCTS award being 80% for working age claimants; and


ii)     delegation be given to the Corporate Director (Corporate Services), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, to undertake the necessary steps and actions to implement the LCTS scheme from 1 April 2018.


(b)    the Council Tax Exceptional Hardship Policy, as set out in Appendix B to the   aforesaid report, be approved.


(c)     the proposed Council Tax exemptions and discounts (which remain unchanged), as set out in Appendix C to the aforementioned report, be approved and that delegation is given to the Corporate Director (Corporate Services), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, to undertake the necessary steps and actions to implement the Council Tax exemptions and discounts from 1 April 2018.


(d)     the Annual Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement for 2018/19, as set out in Appendix D to the above report, be approved.