Issue - decisions

20/12/2024 - Matters Referred to the Cabinet by a Committee - Reference from the Standards Committee - A.2 - Proposed Amendment to Article 9 of the Council's Constitution

RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends to Full Council that Article 9.05(2) of the Council’s Constitution be amended to read as follows:-


“(2)      Composition:


·      Three Members of the Standards Committee and three non-voting co-opted Town and Parish Council members to be nominated by the Tendring District Association of Local Councils;


·      The nominated Town and Parish Council members will be of independent standing and will not have served as District or County Councillors for a period of four years prior to their nomination;


·      Tendring District Council would also prefer that the nominated Town and Parish Council members represented different parish/town councils; and


·      A member (or non-voting co-opted member) of the Town and Parish Councils’ Standards Sub-Committee will not be permitted to sit in that capacity for a hearing if that Member is the subject of the complaint or the complainant.  A substitute will be permitted, if they have undertaken specific Standards Committee training.”