RESOLVED that Cabinet –
a) agrees, subject to the full level of required funding being allocated, to the demolition of the Milton Road, Dovercourt car park;
b) agrees, subject to the full level of required funding being allocated, to the demolition of the dangerous structure at 20 Victoria Street, Dovercourt;
c) although subject to the decision set out within report item A.9 elsewhere on the agenda, agrees to allocate the additional identified sum of £250,000 to increase the overall budget to £3,798,751;
d) subject to a) to c) above, agrees to draw down a budget of £0.450m from within the overall sum of £3,798,751 to progress demolition and associated works; and
e) subject to (a) to (d) above, agrees that an external contractor will be commissioned to undertake the demolition works in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Procedure Rules.