Issue - decisions

19/04/2024 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Partnerships Portfolio Holder - A.4 - Grant Funding Review

RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    notes the contents of this report  including the Allocation of Funding for 2023/24, as set out in Appendix 1 to the Portfolio Holder’s report (A.4);


(b)    authorises the Portfolio Holder for Partnerships to continue with the requested review in order to determine what priorities the Council could support through external funding  in the future;


(c)    agrees that such review will include engagement with Officers and the relevant Portfolio Holders, in order to understand existing schemes and determine proposals for the future, taking into account service provision, subsidy control implications, the Council’s financial position and delivering the Council’s Corporate Plan;


(d)    requires that, following completion of the review, a further report will be presented to Cabinet in readiness for the budget process for 2025/26; and


(e)   in light of the revised approach for the review, recommends to the Community Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee that its work on reviewing grant schemes operated by the Council ceases in order to prevent a duplication of Council resources on this subject.