Issue - decisions
28/03/2024 - Fees and Charges - Council's Sports Facilities and Princes Theatre Hire
To implement a revised set of fees and charges
for the Sport and Leisure Service, as set out in the accompanying
report and detailed pricing spreadsheets (Sport Facilities Fees and
Charges and Princes Theatre Fees and Charges 2024-25). The full
pricing structure is published together with this decision.
These fees and charges will be implemented from 1st April 2024* and
the list of services covered are as follows:
-Sports Facilities
-Princes Theatre Hire Charges
*Note : Membership charge increases, will not be implemented on 1
April with the other fees and charges, but as follows:
8th April – Revised Membership Charges will apply for new
1st May – Revised Membership Fees will be implemented for
existing Members.
This is due to providing sufficient notice periods for
The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Public Realm concurred with
the Assistant Director (Economic Growth and Leisure)'s