Issue - decisions

26/03/2024 - Acquisition of Computer Tablets and software for use in Polling Stations on behalf of the Local returning Officer

(1) To acquire from Democracy Counts Limited (the supplier of the Council’s Electoral Management System) the following in respect of the delivery of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner election at a total cost of £23,910:
• Project Set Up and Management
• 82 tablet devices (5 of which will be contingency devices) for use in Polling Stations through which staff will confirm individuals eligible to vote in the election at that Polling Station, identify the Ballot Paper Number to issue and produce the Marked Register and Corresponding Number List.
• Provide training to all Polling Station staff on the use of the device and the software provided for the election.
• 8 tablet devices for use by Polling Station Inspectors.
• Dedicated on-site support on Polling Day
• Connectivity Survey from within all Polling Stations.
(2) To arrange for the full re-imbursement of the costs associated with (1) above (initially met by the Council), by the Local Returning Officer at the same election.