Issue - decisions
22/03/2024 - Chlorine Dioxide Dosing Systems for Legionella Control at Clacton Leisure Centre and Walton-on-the-Naze Lifestyles sites
A) With the concurrence of the Portfolio
Holder for Corporate Finance and Governance and the Portfolio
Holder for Leisure and Public Realm, to appoint Concept
Environmental Solutions to complete the works, to award a contract,
and to enter into that contract via purchase order with Concept
Environmental Solutions;
B) with the concurrence of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
Finance, and Governance and the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and
Public Realm, to approve the associated use of up to
£24,736.38 from the 24/25 revenue, repairs and maintenance
accounts to fund this replacement; and
C) With the concurrence of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
Finance and Governance to grant an exemption from the requirements
of the procurement rules, given the urgency and specialist work