Issue - decisions
23/06/2023 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Deputy Leader of the Council & Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism Portfolio Holder - A.6 - Clacton Civic Quarter Levelling Up Fund (LUF) Bid, Dovercourt Town Centre Improvement Corridor Capital Regenerati
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
a) noted the five projects for delivery across the Clacton Civic Quarter and Dovercourt Town Centre bids, as set out in the submissions to Government and confirms its endorsement to both schemes progressing within the context as set out;
b) accepted the £6,652,251 awarded to the Council for delivery of the Dovercourt Town Centre Improvement Corridor, following a successful Capital Regeneration Project award from Government, and authorises the S151 Officer to sign the associated Memorandum of Understanding with the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DHLUC);
c) agreed the draw-down of £250,000 from the Council’s Levelling Up Fund Budget of £2.291m to support the early preparation phases for development of the scheme for Dovercourt;
d) authorised the Corporate Director Place & Economy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to agree any associated expenditure for both Dovercourt and Clacton schemes, within the context of this report;
e) agreed to the proposed approach for delivering the projects, as set out in this report, working in close partnership with Essex County Council, as an integral partner, noting subject to further business case approvals by Essex County Council;
f) delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism in consultation with the Corporate Director Place and Economy, Section 151 and Monitoring Officers to approve the Heads of Terms for the various agreements; and
g) authorised the Corporate Director Place and Economy to approve the final terms and conditions of the agreements in consultation with the Section 151 and Monitoring Officers; and
h) endorsed the Portfolio Holder forming a Cross Party Levelling Up Working Party to receive project management updates at least four times a year on progress with the schemes, with particular attention to risk management for each individual project, budget and costings and delivery progress.