Issue - decisions

31/05/2023 - Temporary Service Contract with Colbea - Covered Market & Managed Workspace facility at Jaywick Sands

To enter into a service contract with Colbea for a period of 7 months for an activation service to assist TDC in securing tenants for the building and assist in developing a plan for the running of the building.

To include an allowance for a further service once the 7 months activation period has ended, which will consist of drawing on their specialist expertise in this area to manage staff within the building, until such a time as Council staff are fully trained and self-sufficient.

Colbea currently hold the contract to provide the Council’s Business Support Service and are committed to provide the support needed to any future tenants in the Sunspot.

Cllr. Ivan Henderson, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism has concurred with this decision being made.