Issue - decisions

17/03/2023 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Corporate Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder - A.4 - Timetable of Meetings: 2023/2024 Municipal Year



(a)    the timetable of meetings for the Council and Committees, as set out in the Appendix to the Portfolio Holder’s report, be agreed, in principle, and be submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Council for formal approval, subject to the following amendments:-


(1)    the inclusion of a meeting of the Licensing and Registration Committee to be held on Thursday 22 June 2023; and

(2)    moving a meeting of the Audit Committee from Thursday 14 December 2022 to Thursday 25 January 2024; and


(b)    that the proposed dates for All Members’ Briefings and Councillor Development Sessions be noted.