Issue - decisions
15/07/2022 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder - A.5 - Initiation of the Property Dealing Procedure in order to explore the Development Potential of Various Areas of Council Land
RESOLVED that Cabinet -
(a) agrees to initiate the Property Dealing Procedure in respect of each of the areas identified in Appendix A to the Portfolio Holder’s report;
(b) agrees that priority action be taken in relation to bringing forward proposals for further decision in relation to the potential development of the sites at Fernlea Road, Harwich and Seaview Close, Little Oakley, as contained in the appendix and subject to the Council’s Corporate Priority actions;
(c) determines a prioritised list of the other sites, having regard to:
i) the likely ease or otherwise of completing disposal actions with limited resources;
ii) the identified need for social housing provision in the area;
iii) the number of potential dwellings identified;
iv) the potential level of capital contribution to other priorities;
all to be subject to further decision in relation to the allocation of resources required; and
(d) requests that Officers bring forward processes and ultimately reports for further decision in respect of the freehold disposal of sites at Crome Road Clacton-on-Sea, Dover Road, Brightlingsea and Burrows Close, Clacton-on-Sea.