Issue - decisions
17/06/2022 - Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Business & Economic Growth Portfolio Holder - A.3 - Levelling Up Fund Bid Submissions
RESOLVED that Cabinet -
a) endorses the principle of submitting two Tendring District Council led town centre bids as set out in the Portfolio Holder’s report;
b) approves allocating the entirety of the funding set aside by the Council for Town Centre Levelling Up (£2.295m) to support the bids, should it be needed once the financial cases are complete;
c) authorises the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, to give the final approval for both Tendring District Council led Levelling Up Fund final bids for submission to the Government by the deadline of 6 July 2022, including a decision on the final level of investment required to support the bids; and
d) notes and supports the submission of the Essex County Council led transport bid.