Issue - decisions

25/02/2022 - Cabinet Members' Items - Joint Report of the Corporate Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder and the Business & Economic Growth Portfolio Holder - A.7 - Back to Business and Corporate Investment Plan

RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    notes the work completed under the Back to Business programme;


(b)    agrees to implement a Corporate Investment Plan approach along with establishing the associated Corporate Investment Board, as set out in the joint report of the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder and the Business & Economic Growth Portfolio Holder (report A.7);


(c)    requests Portfolio Holders to explore with Officers further items for consideration by the proposed first meeting of the Corporate Investment Board in March 2022;


(d)    (i) agrees to the creation of a one-off Members’ Small Grant Scheme to make available £1,000 to each Member for the support of Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations within the District and authorises the Assistant Director (Finance & IT) and the Deputy Chief Executive to finalise the conditions, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and make the necessary arrangements to enable Members to access this funding as soon as possible;


(ii)  agrees that the  total cost of the scheme of £48,000 be funded from the existing Tendring Community Fund budget; and


(e)    agrees that a cross-party Member working group is set up to explore the establishment of a local scholarship scheme and that Officers be requested to set up the first meeting of the group in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Partnerships.