Issue - decisions
28/01/2022 - Cabinet Members' Items - Joint Report of the Business & Economic Growth Portfolio Holder and the Housing Portfolio Holder - A.6 - Jaywick Sands Covered Market and Managed Workspace
RESOLVED that, in the event that this Council (TDC) is successful in its pursuit of external funding to meet the shortfall in the Jaywick Workspace and Covered Market project, Cabinet -
(1) authorises the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Portfolio Holder for Business and Economic Growth and the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to enter into the necessary Funding Agreement;
(2) agrees that the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme be increased by £1,934,647 to £4,407,000 to be funded by a TDC contribution of £254,465 from the 2022/23 New Homes Bonus and external funding of £1,680,182; and
(3) notes that, in that eventuality, the Council will proceed to award the contract to construct the Jaywick Workspace and Covered Market project.