Issue - decisions

28/01/2022 - Cabinet Members' Items - Joint Report of the Business & Economic Growth Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder - A.5 - Starlings Site and Milton Road, Harwich Redevelopments

RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees to –


a)     place an additional sum of £272,383 in the Capital Programme from the Business Investment and Growth Fund towards the Starlings Project;


b)     postpone demolition of Milton Road Car Park and bring forward options for the site later in 2022/23; 


c)      approve up to £12,000 from the funding allocated to demolish Milton Road Car Park to commission a report into the current condition of the Car Park and its immediate maintenance requirements and costs to safely operate;


d)     the allocation of the remainder of the Milton Road Car Park demolition costs from the original 2019 September Budget to the Starlings project; and


e)     note that Officers will proceed with procurement of the contractor.